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Raspberry Pi: Retro Gaming with RetroPi

If you have any questions or get stuck as you work through this in-class exercise, please ask the instructor for assistance. Enjoy!

Installing Necessary Software

  • Install a copy of RetroPi at this site for the appropriate hardware.
  • After getting the image, run etcher and load the image onto the microSD card.
  • This may take a while, so as it loads, go to this site to find some ROMs you’d like to play!
  • Once finished, insert the microSD into the RaspberryPi and turn it on.
  • You will now configure the game controller, for this lab, we will use the keyboard.
  • TO SKIP OTHER STEPS hold down any already bound key. Continue doing this for keys not listed.
  • Ensure that the d-pad up, down, left, right keys are set (suggest WASD for these).
  • Ensure that the A,B,X, and Y buttons are bound (numpad up, right, left, and down are recommended).
  • The A button will be your primary selection method as opposed to a keyboard and mouse.
  • Ensure start and select are bound (z and x recommended).
  • At this point, you will skip a lot of buttons until the botbutton is reached at the bottom of the menu.
  • Ensure that the HOTBUTTON is set (suggest ENTER).

Downloading and Running New Game Software

  • After downloading a couple of ROMs, we need to setup a USB stick to hold these ROMs.
  • With a blank USB stick, format it to a FAT32 or NTFS format.
  • Create a file in the USB stick, and name it retropie.
  • Ensure that the Pi is turned off at this point before continuing.
  • Plug the USB into the pi, and wait for the pi to stop blinking (about a minute).
  • Let the Pi completely boot to the retropie main menu.
  • Reboot the Pi by hitting the F4 key and typing into the terminal sudo reboot.
  • Then shutdown the pi and unplug the usb.
  • Load the ROMs into the retropie/roms folder.
  • Now you can plug it back in and play.


  • If you would like to do this at home, a USB game control will work well for most games.
  • A keyboard and mouse are good things to have installed at all times. If something goes wrong you can quit to a terminal menu with the ctrl+f1 key combo.